Wednesday, October 24, 2007

November 9-11 Gathering

Developing Urban Ecovillages:
Towards Ecocities,

November 9-11, 2007
A Gathering …
At Schmitt Academic Center, DePaul University, Room 154, 2320 N. Kenmore, Chicago

Ecovillages here refers to ways of living that enhance both sustainability and community. Their multiple forms range from intentional communities and cohousing, to friends and neighbors deciding to share more, while greening-up their environment and way of life. Ecological neighborhoods (eco-neighborhoods) and ecohoods are among their names.

They are often living laboratories for extending sustainability. In recognition of their value, two municipalities in British Columbia, Canada, created special ecovillage zoning with modified building codes. Some Portland, Oregon council members are among those seeking similar changes there.

Friday 7-9 pm
<> Overview - The Promise of EcoVillages by Diana Leafe Christian author, Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities (2003), and Finding Community: How to join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community (2007). Editor of Communities magazine from 1993 until the latest issue, Diana is a nationally known speaker, offering presentations workshops and consultations on ecovillages, intentional communities and Peak Oil issues. FREE

Saturday, 9am-4pm;
Morning: 9am -12:00
<> Welcome.
Carol Braford (The MC) , co-founder of Culver Way Cohousing in St. Louis.
<> Sadhu Johnson (Invited) - Assistant to the Mayor for Green Initiatives - on Chicago's plan to become the greenest city in the nation, and the potential place for ecovillage type developments in that vision.
<> Thomas J. Murphy, Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, former director of DePaul's environmental science program - on ‘Peak Everything, or what is recently called the “Global Triple Crisis”, a major motivation for stepping up ecovillage creation.

KEYNOTE: Turning Your Neighborhood into an Ecovillage: The story of Cincinnati’s ecovillage pair. By Jim Schenk, co-founder and Executive Director till 2005 of Imago Earth Center, the organization spearheading the ecovillage creation. He is also the editor of What Does God Look Like in an Expanding Universe (December 2006).

PANEL - Other Approaches to Ecovillages and Eco-neighborhoods

Moderator: Jillian Hovey, Toronto Permaculturalist and Ecovillage designer.
<> Starting from a shared garden. – Julie Peterson, coordinator, Beyond Today’s ecological neighborhood project.
<> Start with your friends. Eco-Coops -- Ted Ernst, of The Hub Cooperative
<> Everyone working together: Cleveland’s Ecovillage
-- Mandy Metcalf, project director.
<> Creating new community the cohousing way – Tom Braford, co-founder of Culver Way Cohousing in St. Louis.


Afternoon 1:00-4pm. Openspace Collaboration - Share your vision and interests using openspace technology.
Main focus: Bringing more ecovillage like developments to fruition here.
PLENARY - Summary. Additional openspace topics for Sunday’s continuation.


Morning: 10-12 am Openspace Continues. PLENARY: Summary. What next?
Afternoon: 1:30 – 2:30 pm. Field trip to Beyond Today’s emerging ecological neighborhood at the Waters Garden. Campbell and Sunnyside (Three blocks from the Rockwell stop of the Ravenswood line.)

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Sponsored by: Chicagoland Urban Permaculture (CUP). Cosponsors include: Urban Ecovillage Network, Beyond Today, Ecovillage Network of the Americas, Global Ecovillage Network, Environmental Research Foundation, Cohousing Association of the United States, DePaul University Institute for Nature and Culture, and 8th Day Center for Justice.

Friday FREE . $45 covers the rest.

Please Preregister at

Information: 773-756-5033,

PARKING: No special provisions/stickers
Limited on-street parking. Public trans recommended
It's one block from the Fullerton Red/Brown line stop.

Two Parking lots. $9 The Ps on the map are:
<> #27 Sheffield, south of Dominicks - Sheffield Parking Garage
<> #6 Clifton Parking deck
just west of McGowan enviro science building, 2350 Clifton #8

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